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2024-04-24 20:23:59

云顶官网唯一官方网站以为:Teaching Children How to Ride Bicycles




导读: 瑞秋(Rachel Varn)是“儿童骑自行车”项目(Pedal Power Kids)的创立人,她教4-7岁的孩子如何骑自行车。开始学车之前,她先教孩子们用“ABC快速检查法”——— 轮胎是否有气(Air)、手刹车是否灵敏(Brakes)、车链子是否干净(Chain)——— 来确认自行车安全;然后教孩子们掌握平衡、蹬车、转弯、骑车上路、停下等多个必备技能,其中眼睛朝上、目视前方对部分孩子是很难做到的、他们盯的是脚踏板,这样就让他们无法观察四周环境。



1)On a sunny, spring day, a group of children, four to seven-years-old, sit on their bicycles. They wear helmets to protect their heads and gloves to protect their hands. Their mothers, standing nearby, watch them closely.




2)The children are ready to learn how to ride.


3)Rachel Varn still remembers how she felt riding a bicycle for the first time. She says, "It's probably the biggest confidence booster. It gives kids such a sense of independence and agency.

瑞秋(Rachel Varn)现在还记得她人生第一次骑自行车的感觉,她说:“骑自行车对我的自信心提升最大。它能给孩子独立感和当家作主的感觉。”

agency: the state of being in action or exerting power 处于行动或施加力量的状态

4)Now, her job is helping children experience that moment.


5)Rachel Varn left her job of selling bicycles to become a trainer for bicycle riding last year. She founded Pedal Power Kids to teach bicycle education.

去年瑞秋(Rachel Varn)辞去了卖自行车的工作,成为了一名自行车骑车教练。 她创立了“儿童骑自行车”项目(Pedal Power Kids),教骑自行车。

6)Before starting a ride, she teaches the children how to make sure the bicycles are in good condition for safe use. She calls it "the ABC quick check.”


7)”A" is for air, she explains. "We have to check our tires before we ride. B is for brakes. We want to make sure our brakes work before we find ourselves on the top of a hill about to go down. And C is for chain.” She says the chain must be clean.

A——— 英文单词“空气air”, 骑车前检查轮胎是否有气。

B——— 英文单词“手刹、手闸brakes”, 发现自己在山顶或坡头要下山或下坡时,检查手刹车是否正常。

C——— 英文单词“车链子chain”, 确保车链子是干净的。

8)The rest of the training is more fun. The children learn riding skills, from balance and pedaling to turning, starting and stopping.


9)And they learn to keep their eyes up and look ahead while riding. 他们还要学着骑车时眼睛朝上看、目视前方。

10)Varn says many children struggle to do this. They look down at the pedals instead.

瑞秋(Rachel Varn)说:很多孩子都不敢眼睛朝上看、他们都盯着踏板。

11)She adds, "Obviously that doesn't allow them to see what's going on around them, and it also doesn't allow them to turn properly.


12)Varn says watching where you are going helps you turn easier.

瑞秋(Rachel Varn)说:骑车时观察四周环境能助你轻松转弯。

13)Learning to ride a bicycle can open a whole new world to children. It gives them a sense of accomplishment and freedom. They become more sensitive to their surroundings and better able to make safe, smart decisions going from one place to another.


14)Varn’s goal is to get more children on two wheels. She says, "That's really a great way for kids to be active and develop healthy habits. It helps reduce pollution and just keep families and communities connected.”

瑞秋(Rachel Varn)的目的是让更多的孩子会骑自行车。“它真的是一种让孩子活泼主动、培养健康习惯的好方式、它能减少污染、能让家人和社区间关系更和睦、联系更密切。”

15)Since starting Pedal Power Kids last year, Varn has helped around 250 new riders.

自从去年创立“儿童骑自行车”项目(Pedal Power Kids)以来,瑞秋(Rachel Varn)已经帮助了大约250个小朋友学会了骑单车。

16)Julia Roeling had neither the time nor the confidence to teach her children how to ride. She signed up two of her three children in Van's bicycling class.

朱莉妈妈(Julia Roeling)既没有时间也没有自信教她自己的孩子骑自行车,她有三个孩子,她给两个孩子报了瑞秋的学骑自行车课程。

17)Rachel gets the kids moving, Roeling says.

朱莉(Julia Roeling)说:瑞秋让孩子们会骑自行车了。

18)”Now, they can do it safely. And they know how to get around the community and stop at the stop signs and be together on their bikes.


get around: If you get around, you visit a lot of different places as part of your way of life. 到处旅行;游历

19)Roeling says riding bicycles is a great activity for children. They spend the time outside instead of playing video games all day.

朱莉妈妈(Julia Roeling)说:骑自行车对孩子来说是一个特别好的活动,他们整天在外头玩、而不是整天玩游戏。

20)The children in the classes are happy and excited about their experiences. They have fun riding with their friends. They give names to their bikes. And they enjoy doing the ABC quick check for safety.


21)Varn observes, "We probably wouldn't be playing lacrosse when we're 75 or 89, but we certainly can be riding a bike!”

瑞秋(Rachel Varn)说:“等我们75或89岁时,我们可能不能玩长曲棍球了,但我们肯定能骑个自行车的。”

lacrosse: [ləˈkrɒs] a game played on a field by two teams of ten players who use sticks with curved nets on them to catch, carry, and throw the ball


